When to Start Watering The Lawn In The Spring

When to Start Watering The Lawn In The Spring

A lot of folks often get confused as to the perfect time to water their lawn in Spring. And this is because excess water can mess up the grass and make them susceptible to diseases and pest infestation. On the other side of the coin, lack of water can put your lawn in a fair state of jeopardy.

Whatever be the case, lawns are always desirous of water as Springs set in. So you have to start watering your lawn as early as possible.

More than that, if you want your lawn to maintain its charming green color, then you need to know the best time of the day and frequency for watering the lawn. And so, in this article, we’ll be discussing all you need to know about the perfect timing for watering your lawn.

Also, if you are asking this question then you probably have a lot more questions that can be answered in this guide to Spring that I published a while back.

What Time Of The Day Should I Water The Lawn In The Spring

The best time to water your lawn in the Spring is in the morning just before the scorching sun rises to its peak. Some folks suggest otherwise. They wait for the sun to be hottest before they water the lawn.

The problem with this idea is that the water may not sink deep into the soil before the heat makes it evaporate. As such, it’s expedient to water your lawn before 10 am. By this time, the dew is still on the ground with a reasonable amount of moisture.

The evening would have also been a good idea too. But the blades of grass need sunlight to dry up, which the night doesn’t have. Wet and dark conditions are a major cause of lawn disease, and this makes the evening a turn off.

See this post for more pros and cons to watering your lawn at night.

How Many Times Should I Water My Lawn Per Week

The number of times you should water your lawn per week is dependent on the daily temperature.

60 degrees

For a consistent temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit or less, you should water your lawn once or twice per week. If you choose to go by twice weekly, you’ve got to space the intervals properly.

For instance, if you water on Monday, then your next date should be Friday; and the next date should be on Tuesday the next week. The pattern should be four to five days apart.

70 – 80 degrees

If the temperature hits 70 degrees for about three days consistent, then twice a week may not be sufficient. You may have to water the lawn about 3 times a week.

The high temperature reduces the humidity on the grass. Failure to step up may make your lawn lose its bright green color.

90 Degrees And Above

It is unlikely that the temperature will get to 90 degrees in Spring. But lately, there have been pulsating changes in weather due to climate change. As such, 90 degrees is not alien to Spring.

If you encounter such temperature back to back, you may have to water your lawn three to four times that week. You can revert to other watering standards when the temperature drops.

Tips To Watering Your Lawn In Spring

Beyond knowing the right time to water your lawn, these are timeless tips to follow that will help preserve the beauty of your lawn this Spring.

#1. Soak Six Inches Into The Soil

The spring heat can be overbearing and may most likely evaporate every surface moisture the sun shines on. To ensure your lawn retains a sufficient volume of water, water the soil down to about 6 inches below the surface. You can dip a stick on the soil, or unearth a portion of the soil to confirm.

Learn More About Growing Better Grass Here

#2. Allow Hard Soil To Take Water Gently

Hard soil, such as the terrain of newly developed buildings, maybe pretty hard and stony. Some other places have dried muddy soil. For such environments, you shouldn’t expect the water to sink in as fast as it would for other soil types.

So you need to allow more sprinkling time. A timer would be very necessary in this case, so you don’t overwater the lawn.

#3. Go Easy With New Grass

New grass has weak roots that can’t hold much water. If you channel the same volume of water on mature grass and new grass, you’ll uproot the new ones. Intense water streams can washout growing seeds.

#4. Use Pulsating Sprinklers For Mature Grass

There is pretty no hard and fast rule towards this, but pulsating sprinklers work best for mature grass. For new grass, you may opt for oscillating sprinklers.

See this comparison of impact and oscillating sprinklers for more on this.

#5. Use A Timer To Water The Lawn

It’s common for folks to flood their lawns because they forgot to turn off the sprinklers as at when due. Timers work just like their names. They allow the water to flow for only the time you designate.

They are pretty cheap and start for as low as $10, and are also easy to set up. You’ll only need to connect one end of the timer to the spigot and the other end to the hose. Using the controls on the timer, you can determine how long water should flow.

They even make sprinklers with built in timers. In this post I’ve reviewed a few good oscillating sprinklers with timers if you are curious.

What Are The Symptoms That My Lawn Is Not Getting Enough Water

Apart from noticing how hot the weather has become, there are a few symptoms every lawn that suffers from a lack of water will have. Once you notice any of the following, it’s a sign you’ve neglected your lawn for too long.

#1. The Grass Has A Dull Green Color

The first sign is the color of the lawn. Once the color changes from bright green to dull, you should know at once that the teeth of Spring are biting hard already.

#2. Footprints Don’t Disappear Easily

You can take a walk on your lawn just to inspect the grass. Take a look at the footprints you leave. If the footprints don’t disappear easily, it means the blades of the grass don’t have sufficient moisture to bounce back.

#3. Some Parts Have A Greyish Cast, Others Look Good

The goal is to have a uniform lawn. If some parts of the lawn show a greyish cast, and others have bright green colors, it means the lawn doesn’t get uniform water. You may have to step up the game and ensure a balanced distribution of water.

What Happens If I Don’t Water My Lawn In The Spring

Your grass will probably not die if you don’t water it in the Spring.

Are you surprised? It’s because it goes into dormancy in times of stress- kind of like a bear that hibernates through the winter.

As long as you are taking care of your lawn, you’ve got to choose one of these options.

#1. The first is to water the lawn weekly, as we pointed out in this article. If you choose this option, then you’ve got to do it religiously to maintain the bright green color of your lawn.

#2. The second option is not to water it at all, just as it was in winter. Your lawn will certainly look pale. Its color will wane, and it’s not always the best of sight but it will come back when growing conditions naturally improve.

You can pretty much rest assured that it will come back again once the next rainfalls. Like magic, the seemingly “dead” grass will spring back to life, and a new cycle will begin. However, your flowers won’t survive without water so make sure to keep that up.


The beauty that lawns give to our homes and offices is second to none. Now the winter is over; you’ve got a responsibility to practice the right watering culture, so you’ll see your lawn basking in its full elements once more.